Monday, November 13, 2006

Sick days are good days.

Today is turning out to be a good day, this is also my first Blog post ever. I'm not too sure what to write, I've never had a journal or anytihng.

I dont normally take sick days, but today I did. Last night I could barely talk or breath or even think. Lots of soup, tylenol and sleeping in until 1130 made me feel much better. I got so many things done today too. I don't know why I can't seem to get my to do list done on normal days off. I guess it is because I plan on having the days off and make plans to go out and have fun. I need to make more unplanned free time to do the important things like laundry, vacuum and fix the vehicles. Speaking of vehicles, my motorbike is still broken. Suzuki motors has back logged almost every part my motorbike needs. I hope by the end of winter it will be all fixed. Not too sure if i am going to ride it once it is fixed, or sell it. I am enjoing my truck a lot. Lots of head/leg room, warm seats, good radio, and no helmet required to drive around.

Well I am running out of ideas to write down at the moment. Nothing too tragic or fantastic has happened to me lately so no news is good news I guess.


laureneh said...

yay!!! im your first commenter!
really bad spelling commenter!

ps-i had fun kicking your ass at wii bowling!!!

Sindy said...